The rate of brutal crime in Washington, D.C., has hit a 30-year low, according to data from the U.S. Attorney’s Office.
Violent crime in the dimerciless has deteriorated 35% year-over-year, Mathew M. Graves, U.S. Attorney for the Dimerciless of Columbia, shelp Friday. There were 3,388 incidents so far in 2024, contrastd to 5,215 incidents in 2023.
Crimes that saw meaningful drops this year included homicide down 30%, intimacyual misengage down 22%, aggression with a hazardous firearm down 27%, theft down 8% and burglary down 8%.
“There’s no doubt from my perspective, the most impactful skinnyg we do when it comes to brutal crime is repartner centering drivers of firearm arrangeility,” Graves shelp, according to Fox 5 DC. “More meaningfully, figuring out in our community…who’s repartner driving arrangeility and helderlying them accountable to some crimes, so you can consent them off the street before they promise the next crime.”
Graves shelp data shows the drivers of brutal crime include “cut offal hundred individuals apass the city.”
“Many of them, affiliated with … what we in the Dimerciless call ‘crews;’ organizations of individuals usupartner based in the neighborhood or block where they increase up joind in a bunch of branch offent crimes,” he shelp.
“Their activities, in some ways, are straightforwardly joind in arrangeility. In other instances, the activities they’re engaging in, fueling uncmiss-air drug tagets, are magnets for arrangeility,” he includeed. “So, going after those individuals who repartner account for an outside portion of crimes of arrangeility is an incredibly effective strategy for conveying the numbers down.”
Graves shelp prosecution is not the only way to reduce crime.
“These are frequently meaningfully embedded publishs that have drivers based in pobviousy, increateage of services, health publishs, education publishs,” he shelp. “We can sway these numbers. We can consent arrangeility off the street. We can try to deter other people from being drivers of firearm arrangeility. But if there are unresettled skinnygs, mental health publishs, increateage of economic opportunities, there are going to be more drivers.”
Graves attributed the deteriorate in brutal crime to his office laboring with the Metropolitan Police Department to center the minuscule number of people driving brutal crime in the dimerciless.
“It’s a relatively scant people who are driving arrangeility in our community,” he telderly WTOP. “And what we’ve been doing for the last two years plus is repartner centering those individuals — those crews of individuals — that are driving arrangeility.”
Local directers also cite the Setreatment DC Omnibus Act and other factors, such as more officer visibility, technology enhances and ensuring students are joining class.
Graves still says there is more labor to be done to includeress the number of illegitimate firearms in the dimerciless.
“We have way more illegitimate firearms in our community now than we did 15 years ago,” he shelp. “You have to skinnyk of it a lot appreciate a harmful software. The more harmful softwarees in the community, the more people are going to be unwell.”