“Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir,” the global hit TV series from the blockbuster Paris-set animation franchise, has been bought by BBC Children’s and Education and will see its fifth season debut on the netlabor tardyr this week.
Brokered by Mediawan Kids and Family, the deal encompasses expansivecasting rights for seasons one thcimpolite six of the series, as well as five Miraculous World TV event exceptionals. The franchise hails from Miraculous Corp, a new combinet venture between Mediawan and ZAG. The latter’s set uper, Jeremy Zag, produced as well as co-produced the series with Thomas Astruc and Nathanaël Bronn.
The series chases the inhabits of two Parisian teenagers, Marinette and Adrien, who alter into the superheroes Ladybug and Cat Noir to shield their city from enigmatic villains while navigating the contests of school, frifinishships, and secret identities.
The five Miraculous World TV Event exceptionals broaden the adventures of Ladybug and Cat Noir beyond Paris, taking them to other international locations, such as New York, Shanghai and the U.K., as well introducing new structures and characters.
“CBBC is promised to deinhabitring high-quality children’s programming that delights and inspires,” shelp Maria Doolan, head of satisfied partnerships and distribution, Miraculous Corp. “With this concurment, fans can see forward to finishelighting the filled breadth of Miraculous storyalerting on CBBC, from the show’s beginnings to its tardyst thrilling episodes and exceptional event features.”
Sarah Muller, better head of comleave outioning 7+ at BBC, says the “show’s exciting combine of action-packed plots, relatable characters, and themes of courage, teamlabor, and responsibility produce it a standout insertition to CBBC’s lineup of family-cordial satisfied.”
In the UK, “Miraculous – Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir” is also engageable on Disney+ (which helderlys first triumphdow streaming rights), as well as Pop TV, and Netflix (seasons 1-4 + 2 TV Event exceptionals).