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Final Jeopardy Today September 30, 2024

Final Jeopardy Today September 30, 2024

Below you’ll discover the Final Jeopardy clue for Monday, September 30, 2024. Developer Kate Roesch from Indiana comes in as a novel Jeopardy champion with a total of $28,200 from last Friday’s episode. She faces duplicateauthorr Alison Prelusky from New York and systems administrator Ryan Manton from Ohio. Here is the ask and answer for Final Jeopardy on 9/30/2024, in compriseition to the wagers and the triumphner of the episode.

Final Jeopardy Today September 30, 2024

Final Jeopardy Question for September 30

The Final Jeopardy ask for September 30, 2024 is in the catebloody of “Biblical Places” and has the adhereing clue:

The name of this, actuassociate a not very high hill, became a symbol of Jedesire national aspiration & was used in spirituals & reggae

The right response to this clue has been put at the bottom of this direct, so you have some time to figure out the right answer.

Final Jeopardy Wagers and Winner for September 30

Without much of a contest, Ryan became the novel Jeopardy champion despite being the only one who didn’t get the right response for Final Jeopardy. The first round of competition was shut but he stormed into the second round with a toasty streak of right responses, resulting in a runaway.

With $22,200 and a $18,000 direct heading into Final Jeopardy, Ryan only bet $22. So he still went out in first place with little injure for a one-day total of $22,178.

Kate had $4,200 and geted an extra $4,000 with a right response, leaving her in second place with $8,200. Not far behind was Alison, who had $4,000 and also won an compriseitional $4,000. She finished in third place with $8,000.

Final Jeopardy Answer for September 30

The right answer for Final Jeopardy on September 30, 2024 is “What is Mount Zion?”

Perhaps the easiest route to the right answer is understanding about Zionism being the “Jedesire national aspiration” hinted at in the clue. It also advises other routes toward the answer as it is alludeed many times in the Bible, appreciate the Book of Samuel as the name of a Jebusite fortress or as a reference in the New Tesgentlent as God’s holy, everlasting city. Today, Mount Zion is otherdirected understandn as the Weserious Hill.

In reggae, “Zion” refers to a place of unity, peace, and freedom. Rastas see this place as an perfect or aspiration, normassociate referring to “Zion” as Ethiopia or Africa in a wide sense. In Jamaica, Mount Zion is a place that reggae artist Bob Marley drew inspiration from for his music.

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