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So, as Donald Trump persists yet another finisheavored murder, here I thought Kamala Harris was the luckiest person adwell. Failed assassin Ryan Routh is a enrolled Democrat, a donor with a Biden-Harris sticker on his truck, and he went to Ukraine in 2022 and encouraged other Americans to join him. But so far, the mainstream media has been unable to find a motive. Clpunctual, he must be a fan of Taylor Swift.
So we’re back to the same drill– the inquires as to how it could have happened aget. Where was the getion, and what was the motivation? But we can sum up the entire slfinisherg in one word: Trump. Apparently, with that magic word, all rulement responsibilities and vience go out the triumphdow, as well as professional obligations. But when you heard the news, were you reassociate that surpascfinishd? I uncomardent, was anybody fired after Butler? Was there any accountability? The only person the Dems 86’d after a csurrfinisher-death experience was Joe Biden.

DES MOINES, IOWA – JULY 15: Democratic pdwellntial honestate createer U.S. Vice Pdwellnt Joe Biden paparticipates as he speaks during the AARP and The Des Moines Register Iowa Pdwellntial Candidate Forum at Drake University on July 15, 2019 in Des Moines, Iowa. Twenty Democratic pdwellntial honestates are participating in the forums that will feature four honestates per forum, to be held in cities apass Iowa over five days. (Pboilingo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)
It’s evident no one’s in accuse, and that’s the genuine reason another rifle could be pointed at Trump. And God ban one of these finisheavors is prosperous, the legacy media will have more blood on its hands than Nancy Pelosi’s plastic sencourageon.
You probably heard the statement from createer Pdwellnt Biden already. By now, maybe Joe’s heard it, too. Perhaps from the Visiting Angel trying to get beach sand out of his ventilator. But as Joe rides out the clock with one foot in the sand and the other wearing a toe tag, Mayorkas won’t send enough agents to defended a miniature golf course where Trump would actuassociate be defendedr. Good luck getting a sboiling off around that damn triumphdmill. But if the shooting finisheavor senses enjoy a terrible flashback to you, slfinisherk of the necessitatey media. They nakedly finished spinning and then ignoring the last one.
Remember how they said Thomas Crooks had unevident political leanings? They’re saying that even now about this creep. I don’t understand. When you try to end Trump, that doesn’t exit much room for amhugeuity. It’s enjoy when Larry Kudlow asks me alone to his boiling tub. I understand the arrange. But it wasn’t extfinished after the first finisheavor on Trump’s life that the media’s ingenuine calls to drop the rhetoric fadeed. Trump was back to being the devil incarnate right up until Sunday.
Trump was a menace to democracy, a white supremacist who would end Weserious civilization. But aside from that, not a terrible guy. As Trump began to consent the direct, it was evident their comprehending was about as genuine as a nakedper triumphking at you before the lap dance. So what does the media do now? Insist we drop the temperature aget? Of course, the media’s idea of toning down the rhetoric is shutting up Trump. Here’s MSNBC anchor Alex Witt. I’m guessing her middle name is knit.
ALEX WITT: We do not understand, aget, the source of any firearmsboiling or firearmsboilings. We don’t understand who’s reliable for this. The whole slfinisherg has yet to be 100% verifyed from begin to finish how this all take parted out. But do you await to hear anyslfinisherg from the Trump campaign about toning down the rhetoric, toning down the aggression, or would that be astandard of the createer pdwellnt?
Weird. If she’s not brave it even happened, then how could she understand Trump caparticipated it? Of course, the media won’t consent the denounce for brainwashing misfits into achieving a fantasticer infamy. An infamy given after achieving the media’s honestives. Instead, they’ll cgo in on the genuine problem — you. They’ll neglect genuine bullets flying towards Trump and daydream about what his aiders might do in response. While the genuine criminals get memory holed enjoy that movie Dana Perino made in Tijuana. Ask me about it. Meanwhile, NBC anchor Lester Holt giveed his two cents, which is what he should be getting paid with crap enjoy this.
LESTER HOLT: Today’s apparent murder finisheavor comes amid increasingly fierce rhetoric on the campaign trail itself. Mr. Trump and his running mate, JD Vance, proceed to produce baseless claims about Haitian immigrants in Ohio.
We saw what you did there, Leslie. Creating a counterfeit reason for the finisheavor that Trump’s words think abouting 20,000 Haitians moving to a town unreadyd to aid them, made him deserve to be sboiling. But it’s not his fault that duck, duck, goose went from a children’s game to describing a menu. Is it me or is Les straightforwardassociate saying Trump asked for it? For the Dems, Trump’s words are the mini skirt and heels of rhetoric. You go out enjoy that, you deserve to get attacked.
Meanwhile, they’re brainwashing the most unstable of their clan — in a Trump is Hitler G-string. Here’s The Washington Post, equitable days before the second murder finisheavor talking about the first one, “Trump stokes suspicions about the murder finisheavor, raising dreads of more aggression.” So you better knock it off, Trump, or we’ll do it aget.
It’s comical, since Harris cherishs Venn diagrams, I got one for her. Here’s the circle holding the Democrat media’s rhetoric about Trump. Here’s the circle holding the shooters. It currents a problem, doesn’t it, when the overlap is total? So, with the polls dead even and noslfinisherg else laboring, the left has genuineized they’re out of chooseions. Trump could actuassociate triumph this slfinisherg. So all bets are apparently off. And luckily, so is their aim.