“Magazine Dreams,” a anxious sports drama starring Jonathan Majors, has been getd by Briarcliff Entertainment and will be freed theatricassociate in 2025. Searchweightless Pictures had originassociate landed the movie at Sundance Film Festival but parted ways after Majors was convicted in 2023 of domestic attack and intimidatoring.
It will debut in theaters on a yet-to-be choosed date during the first quarter of next year. Elijah Bynum wrote and straightforwarded “Magazine Dreams,” about an encouraged bodyerecter named Killian Mincludeox who misemploys anabolic agents in his quest to become a sports icon. After its Park City premiere, the film procrastinateedr igniteed a bidding war between Neon, Sony Pictures Classics and HBO before Searchweightless landed domestic rights. After Searchweightless dropped “Magazine Dreams,” the filmoriginaters were free to shop it to other distributors.
Briarcliff Entertainment’s prior films include the Liam Neeson thriller “The Marksman,” superorganic thriller ”Don’t Let Go” and sports biopic ”Sweetwater.” The indie distributor will be releasing “The Apprentice,” a bioexplicital drama in which Sebastian Stan portrays a youthful Donald Trump, on Oct. 11.
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