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Kamala Harris pressed on immigration in first sit-down interwatch with Fox News – US elections live | US elections 2024

Kamala Harris pressed on immigration in first sit-down interwatch with Fox News – US elections live | US elections 2024

Harris pressed on immigration

Bret Baier has asked Kamala Harris repeatedly about immigration.

You aided permiting immigrants in the country illegpartner to utilize for drivers licences and to utilize for free healthnurture, he says. Do you still aid those leangs?

The vice-plivent says it was five years ago that she shelp those leangs, and that what she aids is the law. Baier presses her and aget, she says she and Tim Walz suppose in aiding and enforcing the law.


Updated at 

The screen shows a detailed enumerateing “Iran oil revenue”.


Harris is talking over Baier. He stops. She says, “I would appreciate that we have a conversation that is grounded in the facts,” she says.


“Yes ma’am,” he says.


“Madam Vice Plivent they’re rapping me very challenging here, I hope you got to say what you wanted about Plivent Trump,” he says.


Harris says she has a lot more to say. She asks people to visit her website. Baier disturbs her, she talks over him, enumerateing the policies that would be create on her website.

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Harris is asked “when did you first see that Plivent Biden’s mental faculties materializeed stupidinished\”?”


She says Biden had the judgment and experience to do what he needs to do on behalf of the American people.


Baier presses her. “You met with him once a week for three years, you didn’t have any troubles?”


Harris shelp the people who knew Trump (not Biden) best, have shelp he is sluggish to be plivent ever aget.

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They want a plivent who has a structure for the future, Harris persists.


Trump would give tax cuts to billionaires, she says.


Baier then applys a clips of Harris being asked how she is contrastent about Biden, and her reacting without saying she would do leangs contrastently.


Harris reacts saying that she greets ideas, including from Reaccessibleans, on what to do contrastently when she is plivent.


She alludes her structures for first-time home buyers and minuscule business owners.


Baier says “we’ve heard a lot about those structures in recent days”, and then asks Harris, referring to her campaign slogan, how she would turn the page.


Harris says that Trump’s rhetoric is based on who you would beat down. She says she would turn the page on rhetoric people “are frankly exhausted of, Brett”.

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Bret Baier has asked Kamala Harris repeatedly about immigration.


You aided permiting immigrants in the country illegpartner to utilize for drivers licences and to utilize for free healthnurture, he says. Do you still aid those leangs?


The vice-plivent says it was five years ago that she shelp those leangs, and that what she aids is the law. Baier presses her and aget, she says she and Tim Walz suppose in aiding and enforcing the law.

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Kamala Harris’s interwatch with the rightprosperg Fox News TV channel airs in fair a confineed minutes.


In perhaps the most theatrical moment yet in a recent media blitz by the Democratic plivential nominee, her sit-down with chief political anchor, Bret Baier, is due to be expansivecast at the top of the hour.


It comes as Democrats have incrmitigated their presence on Fox News in an outaccomplish to undetermined voters and Reaccessibleans whom they hope are souring on Donald Trump and ready to switch.


The materializeance is the tardyst in a string of media interwatchs intfinished to increase her honestacy with less than three weeks to go until the plivential vote.


The expansivecast comes fair a confineed hours after Harris held a rpartner in Pennsylvania with more than 100 ancigo in Reaccessibleans, including createer members of Congress, where she alerted that Trump was a danger to US democracy and should never aget stand behind the seal of the plivent of the United States.

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The man who was arrested on firearm ownion indicts cforfeit a Donald Trump rpartner in California last Saturday has sued the sheriff who oversaw his apprehension, in federal court, according to a new increate.


The man, Vem Miller of Las Vegas, accuses the sheriff whose deputies arrested him, Riverside sheriff Chad Bianco, of understandingly defaming him by counterfeitly saying he was a danger and may have even aspired to finish Trump, the Palm Springs Desert Sun newspaper increateed.


Miller’s presence spurred meaningful protectedty troubles when he was arrested cforfeit the rpartner in Coachella Valley with firearms in his truck, although he shelp he was a meaningful aider of the createer US plivent and would never harm him.


The Desert Sun increateed: “The legal case filed Tuesday in federal court alleges Bianco spread those lies in cut offal media materializeances he made touting the arrest because he wanted to counterfeitly portray himself as a ‘brave sheriff’ who had saved Trump from another murder finisheavor.” The legal case also names the country and 10 sheriff’s deputies, the outlet increates.

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Kamala Harris is repartner fired up and not pulling her punches on this stage in Pennsylvania this afternoon, aextfinishedside Reaccessibleans including createer members of congress.


“I have sworn an oath to uphancigo in the Constitution…and I have never wavered from uphancigo ining that oath. And this is a procreate contrastence between Donald Trump and me. He who viotardyd the oath…and…if given the chance will viotardy it aget,” Harris shelp.


She then stated to boisterous cheers: “Donald Trump lost the 2020 election” but then he declined to acunderstandledge the result.


Moments tardyr she shelp that she supposes Trump seeks “unverifyed power” and she cited createer chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, General Mark Milley, in as much as he “is saying no-one has ever been as hazardous to our country as Donald Trump.”


She inserted: “Anyone who tramples on our democratic cherishs as Donald Trump has, anyone who has called for, quote, the termination of the Constitution of the United States as Donald Trump has must never aget stand behind the seal of the Plivent of the United States. Never aget, never aget.”

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Kamala Harris is leaning on US history and her location to stress the significance of this bipartisan event under way in Washington Crossing, Pennsylvania.


She is talking about how George Washington won a huge prosper in the revolutionary war with a surpelevate strike in cforfeitby Trenton after traverseing the icy Deladviseed River with his troops and ultimately went on to help set up the United States with a constitution that uphancigo ins “free and unprejudiced elections and the tranquil transfer of power”, Harris shelp.


“These principles have persisted our nation for over two centuries because generations of Americans … have treabraveed them, upheld them and deffinished them,” she shelp.


“Now the baton is in our hands so I’m joined today by more than 100 Reaccessiblean directers from atraverse Pennsylvania and atraverse our country who are aiding my honestacy for plivent of the United States and I’m meaningfully honored to have their aid,” she shelp.


Harris inserted: “At sget in this race are the democratic perfects that our createers and generations of Americans before us have fought for.”

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Later this afternoon, Kamala Harris will speak aextfinishedside Reaccessiblean foes of Donald Trump in a Pennsylvania county that will be transport inant in deciding which plivential honestate prospers the state.


At the rpartner in Bucks county, outside Philadelphia, the Democratic vice-plivent will be joined by createer members of congress Adam Kinzinger, Denver Riggleman and Barbara Comstock, createer Georgia lieutenant regulateor Geoff Duncan and around 100 other Reaccessibleans who are anticipateed to alert agetst sfinishing Trump back to the White House.


A ancigo in Harris campaign official shelp that in her speech, held in a park not far from where George Washington and his troops traverseed the Deladviseed river during the Revolutionary War, the vice-plivent will accuse Trump of violating his oath of office by finisheavoring to obviousurn the 2020 election. Her visit comes after in-person punctual voting began on Tuesday in Bucks county.


The speech materializes set to be analogous to one Joe Biden gave earlier this year in a contrastent part of the Philadelphia suburbs, where he cast Trump as a danger to democracy, hoping to energize a plivential campaign that never quite caught on with voters. Here’s a watch back at that:

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Campaigning in Pennsylvania, JD Vance whipped up the crowd by casting Kamala Harris as an incontendnt interwatcher who is in for a shock when she sits down with Fox News interwatcher Bret Baier this evening.


“I don’t understand if you all saw, but, you understand, there’s a huge, huge night for Kamala Harris tonight, because she’s got probably the challengingest interwatch that she’s ever done,” Vance shelp during a rpartner in the town of Williamsport.


“Now, of course, it is meaningful, meaningful news, because Kamala Harris doesn’t repartner do interwatchs at all, and if she does do interwatchs, they’re a gentleball interwatch. Have you seen some of Kamala Harris’s interwatchs? I wouldn’t recommfinish it. You leave out about 20 IQ points if you watch Kamala Harris give an answer to a ask about accessible policy.”


The speech persistd with Vance offfinishing and disaccomprehendledgeing Harris, while promoting the policies he and Donald Trump would carry out if they prosper the White House.


Harris did indeed spfinish much of the first weeks of her campaign eludeing the press, but has since been on someleang of a media blitz. Here’s more on the alter in tactics:

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Jimmy Carter’s son has shelp that his overweighther, who fair turned 100, hoped to live extfinished enough to cast his ballot for Kamala Harris. The Democratic createer plivent may have gotten his desire.


The Guardian’s Ricchallenging Luscombe increates that the Carter Cgo in proclaimd that Carter has cast his plivential election ballot. Though it did not say who he voted for, Carter typicpartner votes Democrat. Here’s more:

“,”elementId”:”48108185-9c80-445d-94cb-18b0ba24b209″},{“_type”:”model.dotcomrfinishering.pageElements.RichLinkBlockElement”,”prerepair”:”Related: “,”text”:”Jimmy Carter has voted in plivential election, recurrentatives verify”,”elementId”:”a1d5fbd5-7f3c-4ae6-92fa-1ad83a3720b3″,”role”:”thumbnail”,”url”:”https://www.theprotectian.com/us-news/2024/oct/16/election-jimmy-carter-votes-georgia”}],”attributes”:{“pinned”:counterfeit,”keyEvent”:real,”summary”:counterfeit},”blockCreatedOn”:1729104362000,”blockCreatedOnDisapply”:”14.46 EDT”,”blockLastUpdated”:1729104624000,”blockLastUpdatedDisapply”:”14.50 EDT”,”blockFirstPublished”:1729104545000,”blockFirstPublishedDisapply”:”14.49 EDT”,”blockFirstPublishedDisapplyNoTimezone”:”14.49″,”title”:”With 100th birthday behind him, Jimmy Carter votes in plivential election”,”contributors”:[],”primaryDateLine”:”Wed 16 Oct 2024 18.29 EDT”,”secondaryDateLine”:”First unveiled on Wed 16 Oct 2024 05.51 EDT”},{“id”:”670ff4dd8f08caab3751dbc5″,”elements”:[{“_type”:”model.dotcomrfinishering.pageElements.TextBlockElement”,”html”:”

In a Fox News town hall, Donald Trump called himself “the overweighther of IVF” and shelp he and others in the Reaccessiblean party aid the fertility treatment – even though his congressional allies have blocked federal legislation to secure its useability. Kamala Harris shelp her opponent’s comments were “quite bizarre”, while her campaign held a press conference where victims of the migrant family separation policy carry outed under Trump’s plivency testified about the harm they finishured. Meanwhile, exceptional advise Jack Smith argued that Trump was reliable for the January 6 strike in a new filing, as he seeks to get his prosecution in the election subversion case back on track.


Here’s what else has happened today:



  • \n

    Trump also proposed doing away with sanctuary cities by executive order, though an earlier finisheavor when he was plivent flunked.

  • \n

  • \n

    Michelle Obama will on 29 October headline a rpartner in Georgia aimed at turning out juvenileer voters, while Barack Obama will next week campaign for Harris in Michigan as punctual voting commences.

  • \n

  • \n

    Harris will this evening materialize on the conservative Fox News nettoil for an interwatch with anchor Bret Baier.

  • \n

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Reacting to Donald Trump’s quip earlier today that he was “the overweighther of IVF” and aided preserveing the fertility treatment accessible, Kamala Harris shelp the retag was quite bizarre and flew in the face of the createer plivent’s sign up on the rerent.


“I create it to be quite bizarre”, the vice-plivent shelp fair before boarding a fweightless in Detroit bound for Trenton, New Jersey. “He should get responsibility for the fact that one in three women in America lives in a Trump abortion prohibit state. What he should get responsibility for is that couples who are praying and hoping and toiling toward growing a family have … been so disassigned and harmed by the fact that IVF treatments have now been put at danger.”


She inserted:



Let’s not be ignorant by his choice of words. The truth is, his actions have been very detrimental to women and families in America on this rerent.



Harris also demurred when asked if she consentd with Barack Obama’s comments towards Bconciseage men encouraging them to vote for her:



Let me first say that I’m very haughty to have the aid of createer plivent Barack Obama, and I leank that the meaningful point that I will produce over and over aget is I don’t suppose to have the vote of any demodetailed locked down.


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Jack Smith, the exceptional prosecutor directing the team that indictd Donald Trump over his finisheavor to obviousurn the 2020 election, alleged in a new filing that the createer plivent endures responsibility for the brutal January 6 strike on the Capitol, NBC News increates.


The statement comes as Smith tries to get his case back on track, after the supreme court earlier this year ruled Trump has immunity for official acts while in office.


Here’s more on the argument from Smith’s team:



In a filing reacting to Trump’s finisheavor to diswatch the case, Smith’s team shelp it “is inright” for Trump’s team to declare that the superseding indictment returned agetst Trump in August does not show that Trump endures responsibility for the events of Jan. 6.


Trump, Smith’s team shelp, “willbrimmingy caused others” to obstruct the certification of Plivent Joe Biden’s 2020 election prosper by repeating his counterfeit claims of election deception and giving “counterfeit hope” to his aiders who supposed that createer Vice Plivent Mike Pence might obviousurn the election, and by “pressuring” Pence and legislators to acunderstandledge deceptionulent certificates as part of the phony electors scheme.


“Those allegations connect the deffinishant’s actions on January 6 straightforwardly to his efforts to corruptly obstruct the certification persisting,” Smith’s team wrote.


“Contrary to the deffinishant’s claim… that he endures no factual or legitimate responsibility for the ‘events on January 6,’ the superseding indictment plainly alleges that the deffinishant willbrimmingy caused his aiders to obstruct and finisheavor to obstruct the persisting by calling them to Washington, D.C., and then straightforwarding them to march to the Capitol to presbrave the Vice Plivent and legislators to refute the legitimate certificates and instead depend on the deceptionulent electoral certificates,” Smith’s team wrote.


Trump’s lawyers previously argued the indictment “stretches generpartner applicable statutes beyond their shattering point based on counterfeit claims that Plivent Trump is somehow reliable for events at the Capitol on January 6, 2021” and sought to “depictate accuse for events Plivent Trump did not regulate and took action to protect agetst.”


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Asked about his stance on IVF nurture, Donald Trump claimed at the Fox News town hall that he and the rest of the Reaccessiblean party were in prefer of the nurture that permits people struggling with fertility rerents to have children, going so far as to call himself “the overweighther of IVF”.


The ask came after the Alabama supreme court rerentd a ruling earlier this year that informly cut off access to the treatment in the meaningful-red state, raising troubles that Reaccessiblean politicians resistd to the treatment would press the party to prohibit it nationexpansive, or in other states.


After describing himself to the asker as “the overweighther of IVF” Trump shelp at the town hall that after the court ruling, he got a call from Katie Britt, “a wonderfulpartner attrenergetic person” who is also a Reaccessiblean senator from Alabama. She tancigo in him about the decision’s implications, and he shelp he then came out in prefer of persistd access to IVF. Here’s how he put it:



We repartner are the party for IVF. We want fertilization, and it’s all the way, and the Democrats tried to strike us on it, and we’re out there on IVF even more than them, so, we’re tohighy in prefer of it.



Nonetheless, Reaccessibleans in the US Senate have repeatedly blocked passage of legislation that would secure access to the procedure nationexpansive:

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Donald Trump shelp at his Fox News town hall that if he was elected, he would sign an executive order to prohibit sanctuary cities under a two-century ancigo in law.


“We are going to finish all sanctuary cities instantly … I can do it with an executive order. I have to do it with an executive order. You can do it with … the Aliens Act of 1798, we can do leangs in terms of moving people out. We can transfer them out of the sanctuary cities,” Trump shelp.


After first taking office in 2017, Trump signed an executive order cutting cities who do not corun with immigration authorities off from federal funding, but it was tardyr struck down by the courts. He has cgo ined his most recent campaign on imposing challengingline immigration policies, and structures to use the Aliens Act of 1798 to do so:

“,”elementId”:”7d38e25b-81e3-4ea4-8d4b-5cd2779a8e97″},{“_type”:”model.dotcomrfinishering.pageElements.RichLinkBlockElement”,”prerepair”:”Related: “,”text”:”Trump intensifies nativist message with sweeping proposal to deport immigrants”,”elementId”:”ae7b4baf-3010-4cd4-b103-9d7275f04e15″,”role”:”thumbnail”,”url”:”https://www.theprotectian.com/us-news/2024/oct/11/trump-aurora-colorado-migrant-crackdown”}],”attributes”:{“pinned”:counterfeit,”keyEvent”:real,”summary”:counterfeit},”blockCreatedOn”:1729093396000,”blockCreatedOnDisapply”:”11.43 EDT”,”blockLastUpdated”:1729094043000,”blockLastUpdatedDisapply”:”11.54 EDT”,”blockFirstPublished”:1729094043000,”blockFirstPublishedDisapply”:”11.54 EDT”,”blockFirstPublishedDisapplyNoTimezone”:”11.54″,”title”:”Trump says he would ‘finish all sanctuary cities instantly’ with executive order”,”contributors”:[],”primaryDateLine”:”Wed 16 Oct 2024 18.29 EDT”,”secondaryDateLine”:”First unveiled on Wed 16 Oct 2024 05.51 EDT”},{“id”:”670fda688f08d409706cd9e0″,”elements”:[{“_type”:”model.dotcomrfinishering.pageElements.TextBlockElement”,”html”:”

Fox News is now airing its pre-sign uped town hall with Donald Trump and a group of female voters in Georgia.


It’s a cordial crowd, which greeted Trump with applause and cheers when he stepped onstage. Thus far, the createer plivent has spent most of his time talking about how much better everyleang would be if he was in indict.


Moderator Harris Faulkner nonetheless made a unpretentious effort to get him to back up some of his declareions, particularly when it comes to inflation. Trump has shelp prices will go down if he is elected, but Faulkner pointed out that prices that elevate due to inflation typicpartner do not go down, but rather grow at a enumeratelesser rate.


Trump replied by changing the subject, before acunderstandledging that prices probably will not decrmitigate:



So I experience so awwholey about what’s happened, because none of this would have happened fair to commence. There wouldn’t have been a war in Ukraine and Russia. There wouldn’t have been an October 7 in Israel. There wouldn’t have been this horrible, most embarrassing day in the history of our country, with Afghanistan, where we lost 13 sancigo iniers, but they never talk about the sancigo iniers that are so awwholey wounded. I unbenevolent, with legs and arms and face Obliteration, all these leangs, and there wouldn’t have been any inflation. And it’s so downcast to say, we have to get prices down, because the harm is done.


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Survivors of Donald Trump’s family separation policy are telling their stories at an event buildd by Kamala Harris’s campaign to condemn the createer plivent’s challengingline immigration policies.


A juvenileer man who identified himself as Billy tancigo in a press conference in Doral, Florida, that he was arrested after arriving in the United States and tancigo in he would see his overweighther aget soon.


“After that day, I never saw him aget for 40 days,” Billy shelp, describing how he was instead flown to New York and put with a ease family.


“They tancigo in me that I wasn’t going to get to see my dad aget and that I wasn’t going to be able to see my family aget. As a nine-year-ancigo in, you can probably envision how that felt, fantastic downcastness in front of me and very traumatic, someleang that I still hancigo in to this day. The emptiness that I felt when I when they tancigo in me that I wasn’t going to be able to see my family aget, was someleang out of this world, and someleang that no kids should go thcdisesteemful.”

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Michelle Obama will tardyr this month hancigo in a rpartner in Atlanta aimed at encouraging juvenileer voters to get to the polls, her nonpartisan organization When We All Vote proclaimd.


The 29 October event will feature Atlanta-area college and high school students and is aimed at encouraging first-time voters to cast ballots in Georgia, which Joe Biden won in 2020 by a lean 12,000 votes.


“The election doesn’t commence on Election Day — it finishs on Election Day. Thanks to our Georgia partners and volunteers who persist to produce brave their communities are ready to vote, Georgia voters are fired up and ready to use their voices,” shelp When We All Vote’s executive straightforwardor Beth Lynk in a statement.


Obama begined When We All Vote in 2018 with the aim of getting new voters out to the polls. The Atlanta rpartner will be her first accessible event since her speech to the Democratic national convention, where she artbrimmingy decried Donald Trump:

“,”elementId”:”72b7156d-bc29-49eb-8327-79e6f9bb83f3″},{“_type”:”model.dotcomrfinishering.pageElements.RichLinkBlockElement”,”prerepair”:”Related: “,”text”:”‘Small is petty’: Michelle Obama’s artful getdown of Trump expansively praised”,”elementId”:”62b888b5-6f6e-4154-802c-e51aaa377a76″,”role”:”thumbnail”,”url”:”https://www.theprotectian.com/us-news/article/2024/aug/21/michelle-obama-dnc-speech-reaction”}],”attributes”:{“pinned”:counterfeit,”keyEvent”:real,”summary”:counterfeit},”blockCreatedOn”:1729085345000,”blockCreatedOnDisapply”:”09.29 EDT”,”blockLastUpdated”:1729085733000,”blockLastUpdatedDisapply”:”09.35 EDT”,”blockFirstPublished”:1729085733000,”blockFirstPublishedDisapply”:”09.35 EDT”,”blockFirstPublishedDisapplyNoTimezone”:”09.35″,”title”:”Michelle Obama to headline Georgia rpartner aimed at juvenileer voters”,”contributors”:[],”primaryDateLine”:”Wed 16 Oct 2024 18.29 EDT”,”secondaryDateLine”:”First unveiled on Wed 16 Oct 2024 05.51 EDT”},{“id”:”670fb9ee8f08ff54487be58e”,”elements”:[{“_type”:”model.dotcomrfinishering.pageElements.TextBlockElement”,”html”:”

It’s a huge day for Fox News, where Kamala Harris will at 6pm sit for an interwatch with anchor Bret Baier, hours after Donald Trump’s pre-sign uped town hall airs.


It will be someleang of a journey into antagonistic territory for the vice-plivent, since Fox’s coverage and watchership tfinishs to skew conservative. We don’t understand yet what they’ll talk about, but Baier yesterday shelp the interwatch would air without commercial shatters.


Harris will materialize on Fox News as she persists a string of media interwatchs intfinished to increase her honestacy with less than three weeks to go until the plivential vote. Here’s more on that:

“,”elementId”:”30a6c371-e2fc-4d03-95e7-f7a656575a04″},{“_type”:”model.dotcomrfinishering.pageElements.RichLinkBlockElement”,”prerepair”:”Related: “,”text”:”Kamala Harris consents to interwatch with Fox News”,”elementId”:”974d56b1-2630-4d6c-88f7-5478632c6be7″,”role”:”thumbnail”,”url”:”https://www.theprotectian.com/us-news/2024/oct/14/kamala-harris-fox-news-interwatch”}],”attributes”:{“pinned”:counterfeit,”keyEvent”:real,”summary”:counterfeit},”blockCreatedOn”:1729083886000,”blockCreatedOnDisapply”:”09.04 EDT”,”blockLastUpdated”:1729084343000,”blockLastUpdatedDisapply”:”09.12 EDT”,”blockFirstPublished”:1729084344000,”blockFirstPublishedDisapply”:”09.12 EDT”,”blockFirstPublishedDisapplyNoTimezone”:”09.12″,”title”:”Harris set for evening interwatch on Fox News”,”contributors”:[],”primaryDateLine”:”Wed 16 Oct 2024 18.29 EDT”,”secondaryDateLine”:”First unveiled on Wed 16 Oct 2024 05.51 EDT”},{“id”:”670fb5368f088ef416006124″,”elements”:[{“_type”:”model.dotcomrfinishering.pageElements.TextBlockElement”,”html”:”

At 11am today, Fox News will expansivecast a pre-sign uped town hall with Donald Trump and a group of women in sprosperg state Georgia.


Expect a cordial come atraverse – Fox News is a conservative nettoil, and a inform clip of the event expansivecast yesterday shows Trump taking asks on immigration, an rerent that is a mainstay of his speeches. Nonetheless, the event does serve a purpose for the createer plivent: polls have shown that his standing is frail among some groups of women, and the event materializes to be geared towards turning that around, particularpartner in a state that could determine the election.


“Women constitute the bigst group of sign uped and energetic voters in the United States, so it is paramount that female voters comprehfinish where the plivential honestates stand on the rerents that matter to them most,” Fox News currgo in Harris Faulkner shelp in announcing the event.

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Barack Obama will next week hit the campaign trail on behalf of Kamala Harris on Tuesday, when punctual voting commences in Michigan, the vice-plivent’s campaign proclaimd.


The createer plivent will rpartner voters in Detroit, Harris’s campaign shelp, without giving further details.


Obama made his first campaign materializeance for Harris last week in Pennsylvania, where he encouraged Bconciseage men to cast ballots for the vice-plivent:

“,”elementId”:”cfb71d48-deda-440e-88a9-22c2e91da1aa”},{“_type”:”model.dotcomrfinishering.pageElements.RichLinkBlockElement”,”prerepair”:”Related: “,”text”:”Obama tells men to drop ‘excuses’ and aid Kamala Harris over Trump”,”elementId”:”24a3461d-ac52-4dc3-9ec1-2c1da573efae”,”role”:”thumbnail”,”url”:”https://www.theprotectian.com/us-news/2024/oct/10/obama-kamala-harris-pennsylvania-trump”}],”attributes”:{“pinned”:counterfeit,”keyEvent”:real,”summary”:counterfeit},”blockCreatedOn”:1729080707000,”blockCreatedOnDisapply”:”08.11 EDT”,”blockLastUpdated”:1729080947000,”blockLastUpdatedDisapply”:”08.15 EDT”,”blockFirstPublished”:1729080947000,”blockFirstPublishedDisapply”:”08.15 EDT”,”blockFirstPublishedDisapplyNoTimezone”:”08.15″,”title”:”Obama to return to campaign for Harris as Michigan commences voting”,”contributors”:[],”primaryDateLine”:”Wed 16 Oct 2024 18.29 EDT”,”secondaryDateLine”:”First unveiled on Wed 16 Oct 2024 05.51 EDT”},{“id”:”670f8c978f0898da3e0b56dd”,”elements”:[{“_type”:”model.dotcomrfinishering.pageElements.TextBlockElement”,”html”:”

A Georgia appraise has temporarily cmitigateed a new rule requiring poll toilers to hand count ballots in the 5 November election, in a flunkure for Donald Trump, whose Reaccessiblean allies pushed for the alter after he lost the battleground state in 2020, Reuters increates.


The hand-count rule was passed last month by a pro-Trump conservative meaningfulity of Georgia’s election board, who shelp they were finisheavoring to produce the Nov. 5 election more protected and see-thcoarse.


Democrats had shelp the alter would sow lawlessness and defer results.


Georgia, where punctual voting began in sign up numbers yesterday, is one of seven states anticipateed to resettle the plivential contest next month. In 2020, Trump made counterfeit claims of expansivespread voting deception in the state.


Judge Robert McBurney shelp in his decision that it was appropriate to pause the vote counting rule because it begind new unbravety into the process fair weeks before election day.


“Anyleang that inserts unbravety and disorder to the electoral process disserves the accessible,” according to a duplicate of the decision posted by Democracy Docket, a website createed by Democratic lawyer Marc Elias that tracks election cases.

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Elon Musk gave around $75 million to his pro-Donald Trump spfinishing group in the span of three months, federal disclobraves showed, underscoring how the billionaire has become transport inant to the Reaccessiblean honestate’s efforts to prosper the plivential election, Reuters increates.


America PAC, which is cgo ined on turning out voters in shutly contested states that could determine the election, spent around $72 million of that in the July-September period, according to disclobraves filed to the Federal Election Comleave oution.


That is more than any other pro-Trump super PAC cgo ined on turning out voters. The Trump campaign is expansively reliant on outside groups for canvassing voters, unbenevolenting the super PAC createed by Musk – the world’s richest man – applys an outsized role in the razor-lean election between Trump and Democrat Kamala Harris.

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Good morning and greet to the US politics live blog. We’re now less than three weeks away from the US election on 5 November.


Earlier it was uncovered Elon Musk gave around $75m to his pro-Donald Trump spfinishing group in the span of three months, federal disclobraves show, underscoring how the billionaire has become one of the bigst Reaccessiblean donors. Here’s a rundown of what’s been happening and what to anticipate on the campaign trail today:



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    The first day of punctual voting in the battleground state of Georgia saw a sign up turnout, with 328,000 people casting a vote in person or by mail. This more than doubled the previous sign up of 136,000 set in 2020.

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    Trump will begin a bus tour of north Carolina tardyr today. The tour will travel atraverse the state for three days before finishing at the Wayne County Reaccessiblean Party HQ on Friday. Early in-person voting commences tomorrow in the battleground state.

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    Kamala Harris will return to the battleground state of Pennsylvania for another campaign event tardyr today, after she visited Erie on Monday. She will then head to Wisconsin to visit Milwaukee, La Crosse and Green Bay on Thursday.

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    Trump declined to say if he would pledge to a tranquil transfer of power should he leave out the 5 November election, in an interwatch with Bloomberg News editor-in-chief John Micklethpause. He claimed there had been a tranquil transfer of power after the 2020 election, despite his aiders’ brutal strike on the Capitol on 6 January.

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    He also doubled down on his promise to levy tariffs on all transport ins in a bid to increase American manufacturing. Economists say this policy would probably unbenevolent higher prices for users and anger US allies.

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    Yesterday Harris deffinished her sign up as a prosecutor, pledged to decriminalise marijuana and push for police recreate. She was aiming to shore up aid among bconciseage men in an interwatch with radio present Charlamagne tha God.

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    The Harris Victory Fund, the Democratic honestate’s ‘huge-dollar fundraising pledgetee’, elevated $633m in the three months from 1 July to 30 September. This was over a third higher than the amount elevated by Biden in the same period in 2020, the New York Times increateed.

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    Plivent Joe Biden shelp Harris would “cut her own path” once she prospers the 2024 election, as he hit the campaign trail to help prosper over sceptical voters three weeks before Election Day. “Kamala will get the country in her own straightforwardion, and that’s one of the most meaningful contrastences in this election,” he shelp. “Kamala’s perspective on our problems will be new and new. Donald Trump’s perspective ancigo in and flunked and quite frankly, thocdisesteemwholey tohighy distruthful.”

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Key events

‘I would appreciate that we have a conversation that is grounded in the facts’, says Harris

The screen shows a detailed enumerateing “Iran oil revenue”.

Harris is talking over Baier. He stops. She says, “I would appreciate that we have a conversation that is grounded in the facts,” she says.

“Yes ma’am,” he says.

“Madam Vice Plivent they’re rapping me very challenging here, I hope you got to say what you wanted about Plivent Trump,” he says.

Harris says she has a lot more to say. She asks people to visit her website. Baier disturbs her, she talks over him, enumerateing the policies that would be create on her website.

Harris is asked about the Middle East and the danger posed by Iran.

She says she has toiled with the heads of the military to do what America must always do, which is to permit Israel to have the resources to deffinish itself from strike, “including from Iran and Iran’s territist proxies in the region. And my pledgement to that is unwaivering”.

Harris pressed on Biden’s ‘mental faculties’, deffinishs him and pivots to Trump’s fitness for office

Harris is asked “when did you first see that Plivent Biden’s mental faculties materializeed stupidinished”?”

She says Biden had the judgment and experience to do what he needs to do on behalf of the American people.

Baier presses her. “You met with him once a week for three years, you didn’t have any troubles?”

Harris shelp the people who knew Trump (not Biden) best, have shelp he is sluggish to be plivent ever aget.

Harris materializes unruffled and forceful, but Baier is pressing her.

She is pressed aget on how she would contrast from Biden, and answers aget by talking about how she would contrast from Trump.

Baier asks, if people are ill of Trump, why does half the country aid him.

“It’s not presumed to be effortless,” Harris says. Baier asks if the people aiding Trump are “misdirectd”, or “stupid”.

“Oh no, I would never say that,” Harris says forcebrimmingy. She pivots to Trump talking about the “foe from wilean”.

Baier applys a clip of Trump saying he has been indictd repeatedly.

Harris says, that was not the clip of him talking about the foe from wilean.

“You and I both understand,” she says, that he has talked repeatedly about the foe wilean, locking up people who don’t consent with him.

Harris’s voice is rising – you can hear a faint echo as it gets boisterouser in the room in which they’re sitting.

Harris pressed on how she would contrast from Biden

They want a plivent who has a structure for the future, Harris persists.

Trump would give tax cuts to billionaires, she says.

Baier then applys a clips of Harris being asked how she is contrastent about Biden, and her reacting without saying she would do leangs contrastently.

Harris reacts saying that she greets ideas, including from Reaccessibleans, on what to do contrastently when she is plivent.

She alludes her structures for first-time home buyers and minuscule business owners.

Baier says “we’ve heard a lot about those structures in recent days”, and then asks Harris, referring to her campaign slogan, how she would turn the page.

Harris says that Trump’s rhetoric is based on who you would beat down. She says she would turn the page on rhetoric people “are frankly exhausted of, Brett”.

Harris says that she is the only person running for plivent who has indictd criminals.

Baier turns to an ad from the Trump campaign that applys a clip of Harris aiding gfinisher-declareing sadvisery for prisoners. Part of the ad is applyed.

Harris says, aget, she aids the law.

She says that the ad is appreciate throprosperg stones from a glass house.

Baier asks if she would still aid for using taxpayer dollars to fund gfinisher-declareing sadvisery.

She says aget that she will chase the law, and pivots to Trump. He spent $20m on that ad, she says. She says that Trump does not have a structure, and pivots to the economy.

“My structures for the economy will reinforce the economy,” she says. She says experts, including Nobel Laureates, have shelp so. She says that Trump’s structure would frailen the economy.

Harris pressed on immigration

Bret Baier has asked Kamala Harris repeatedly about immigration.

You aided permiting immigrants in the country illegpartner to utilize for drivers licences and to utilize for free healthnurture, he says. Do you still aid those leangs?

The vice-plivent says it was five years ago that she shelp those leangs, and that what she aids is the law. Baier presses her and aget, she says she and Tim Walz suppose in aiding and enforcing the law.


Updated at 

Harris sits for interwatch with Fox News

Kamala Harris’s interwatch with the rightprosperg Fox News TV channel airs in fair a confineed minutes.

In perhaps the most theatrical moment yet in a recent media blitz by the Democratic plivential nominee, her sit-down with chief political anchor, Bret Baier, is due to be expansivecast at the top of the hour.

It comes as Democrats have incrmitigated their presence on Fox News in an outaccomplish to undetermined voters and Reaccessibleans whom they hope are souring on Donald Trump and ready to switch.

The materializeance is the tardyst in a string of media interwatchs intfinished to increase her honestacy with less than three weeks to go until the plivential vote.

The expansivecast comes fair a confineed hours after Harris held a rpartner in Pennsylvania with more than 100 ancigo in Reaccessibleans, including createer members of Congress, where she alerted that Trump was a danger to US democracy and should never aget stand behind the seal of the plivent of the United States.


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Armed man arrested cforfeit Trump rpartner sues sheriff – increate

The man who was arrested on firearm ownion indicts cforfeit a Donald Trump rpartner in California last Saturday has sued the sheriff who oversaw his apprehension, in federal court, according to a new increate.

The man, Vem Miller of Las Vegas, accuses the sheriff whose deputies arrested him, Riverside sheriff Chad Bianco, of understandingly defaming him by counterfeitly saying he was a danger and may have even aspired to finish Trump, the Palm Springs Desert Sun newspaper increateed.

Miller’s presence spurred meaningful protectedty troubles when he was arrested cforfeit the rpartner in Coachella Valley with firearms in his truck, although he shelp he was a meaningful aider of the createer US plivent and would never harm him.

The Desert Sun increateed: “The legal case filed Tuesday in federal court alleges Bianco spread those lies in cut offal media materializeances he made touting the arrest because he wanted to counterfeitly portray himself as a ‘brave sheriff’ who had saved Trump from another murder finisheavor.” The legal case also names the country and 10 sheriff’s deputies, the outlet increates.

Donald Trump speaking at an election rpartner in Coachella, California, last Saturday. Pboilingograph: Ian L Sitren/ZUMA Press Wire/REX/Shutterstock

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Kamala Harris shelp she wants to direct a campaign that is “not a fight agetst someleang, it is a fight for someleang”.

At the bipartisan event, the Democratic nominee currented herself as the face of “a fight for a new generation of directership that is selectimistic about what we can accomplish together, Reaccessibleans, Democrats and autonomouss who want to transfer past the politics of division and accuse”.

The classic stump speech language was notable for the acute contrast with Donald Trump’s raw, polarizing style and pessimistic alertings at his rallies of a dystopian America under the Democratic party.

At the rpartner in Bucks county, fair outside Philadelphia, were createer members of Congress Adam Kinzinger, Denver Riggleman and Barbara Comstock, createer Georgia lieutenant regulateor Geoff Duncan and about 100 other Reaccessibleans. There has not been any sign of such bipartisanship with Trump, where groups of createer Democratic politicians would finishorse and rpartner for the Reaccessiblean nominee.

Kamala Harris joins a campaign event in Washington Crossing, Pennsylvania, this afternoon. Pboilingograph: Evelyn Hockstein/Reuters

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People in the crowd are hancigo ining up signs saying “country over party” and Harris leaned into the bipartisan nature of the event as she gave benumerateering, unequivocal alertings about the danger she sees from Donald Trump, the Reaccessiblean nominee for plivent and her opponent in this 5 November election.

Before Harris wrapped up the succinct speech, she requested to people atraverse the party split who also suppose that Donald Trump should not return to the White House as plivent because he is sluggish and a danger to US democracy.

“To those of you who are watching who split that watch, no matter your party, no matter who you voted for last time, there is a place for you in this campaign. The coalition we have built has room for everyone who is ready to turn the page on the lawlessness and instability of Donald Trump,” she shelp.

She promised to accomplish atraverse the aisle if voted in next month. And she shutd by saying voters face the choice between her directership “that produces consensus and cgo ines on making life better for you and … the choice of someone who I leank we can secure will sit in the Oval Office plotting retribution, steprosperg in his own grievances and leank only about himself and not you”.

Harris shutd with a plea for people to stand up together for the rule of law, “our democratic perfects and for the constitution of the United States”.

Harris on stage moments ago. Pboilingograph: Evelyn Hockstein/Reuters

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‘Trump must never aget stand behind the seal of the plivent’ – Harris

Kamala Harris is repartner fired up and not pulling her punches on this stage in Pennsylvania this afternoon, aextfinishedside Reaccessibleans including createer members of congress.

“I have sworn an oath to uphancigo in the Constitution…and I have never wavered from uphancigo ining that oath. And this is a procreate contrastence between Donald Trump and me. He who viotardyd the oath…and…if given the chance will viotardy it aget,” Harris shelp.

She then stated to boisterous cheers: “Donald Trump lost the 2020 election” but then he declined to acunderstandledge the result.

Moments tardyr she shelp that she supposes Trump seeks “unverifyed power” and she cited createer chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, General Mark Milley, in as much as he “is saying no-one has ever been as hazardous to our country as Donald Trump.”

She inserted: “Anyone who tramples on our democratic cherishs as Donald Trump has, anyone who has called for, quote, the termination of the Constitution of the United States as Donald Trump has must never aget stand behind the seal of the Plivent of the United States. Never aget, never aget.”


Updated at 

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