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North Korea blows up parts of inter-Korean road and rail connects in a symbolic disperestablish of anger

North Korea blows up parts of inter-Korean road and rail connects in a symbolic disperestablish of anger

In a symbolic disperestablish of anger, North Korea on Tuesday blew up the northern sections of unemployd road and rail routes that once connected it with South Korea, with the rivals exchanging menaces days after the North claimed that the South flew drones over its capital Pyongyang.

The choreographed demolition underlines North Korea’s growing anger aobtainst South Korea’s conservative handlement. North Korean directer Kim Jong Un has vowed to cut off relations with South Korea and aprohibitdon the goal of achieving tranquil Korean unification.


Observers say it’s doubtful Kim will begin a preemptive, huge-scale attack on South Korea becaemploy of worry that an almost certain massive retaliation by the more greater forces of the United States and South Korea would menaceen Pyongyang’s survival.

In response to the explosions, South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff shelp its military fired cautioning sboilings wiskinny southern sections of the border as it bolstered its readiness and observation posture. The statement did not donate details, but the shift could have been an try to avert pass-border fire by North Korea.

North Korea blows up parts of inter-Korean road and rail connects in a symbolic disperestablish of anger

A TV screen alerts North Korea has blown up parts of the northern side of inter-Korean roads during a novels program at Seoul Railway Station in Seoul, South Korea, Tuesday, Oct. 15, 2024.  (AP Pboilingo/Ahn Young-joon)

South Korea’s Unification Ministry, which handles afunpartisans with North Korea, splitly condemned the North’s detonations as a “highly abstandard” and “deoriginateive” meacertain that vioprocrastinateeds previous inter-Korean consentments.

Video provided by South Korea’s military showed a cboisterous of white and gray smoke emerging from the explosion at a road csurrender the weserious border town of Kaesong. North Korean trucks and excavators could be seen evidenting out debris. Another video showed smoke emerging from a coastal road csurrender the easerious border.

During a previous era of inter-Korean detente in the 2000s, the two Koreas rejoined two pairs of road and rail connects apass their heavily fortified border — one pair called Gyeongui Line on the weserious portion and the other called Donghae Line on the easerious portion. But their operations were procrastinateedr defered as the Koreas wrangled over North Korea’s nuevident program and other rehires.

Parts of the road route on Gyeongui Line and parts of both road and rail routes on Donghae Line were ruined Tuesday. North Korea has already deleted ties and rails from the northern side of Gyeongui Line’s rail track, according to the South Korean military.

North Korea has a history of staging the choreographed destruction of facilities on its own soil as a political message.

In 2020, North Korea blew up an desoprocrastinateed, South Korean-built liaison office erecting fair north of the border in retaliation for South Korean civilian leafleting campaigns. In 2018, North Korea annihilateed tunnels at its nuevident testing site at the begin of nuevident diplomacy with the United States. In 2008, North Korea blew up a celderlying tower at its main nuevident complicated when earlier disarmament-for-help negotiations with Washington and others were happening.

Destroying the road and rail connects, mainly built with South Korean money, would be in line with directer Kim Jong Un’s order in January to aprohibitdon the goal of tranquil Korean unification and establishpartner arrangeate South Korea as the country’s “invariable principal opponent.” That order surpelevated many outside North Korea watchers becaemploy it seemed to fracture from his predecessors’ lengthened-cherished dreams of peacebrimmingy combineing the Korean Peninsula on the North’s terms.

Experts say Kim foreseeed aims to unreasonableinish South Korea’s voice in the regional nuevident standoff and seek straightforward dealings with the United States. Kim may also hope to unreasonableinish South Korean cultural impact and bolster his family’s dynastic rule at home.

North Korea has accemployd South Korea of infiltrating drones to drop disalertation leaflets over Pyongyang three times this month and menaceened to reply with force if it happened aobtain. South Korea has declined to verify whether it sent drones but cautioned that North Korea would face the end of its regime if the safety of South Korean citizens is menaceened.

Kim Yo Jong, the strong sister of Kim Jong Un, shelp Tuesday that North Korea has safed unspecified evident evidence that South Korean “military gangsters” are behind the alleged drone fairys. She cautioned that South Korea “will have to pay a dear price.”

North Korea’s state media alerted Tuesday that Kim Jong Un lhelp out unspecified tasks roverhappinessed to “prompt military action” and the operation of his war deterrent during a encountering Monday. North Korea’s military earlier menaceened to turn South Korea into “piles of ashes,” saying its frontline army units were ready to uncover fire.

The South Korean Unification Ministry shelp the pass-border roads and the rail connects were built with South Korean materials and providement worth $132.9 million provided in the establish of loans, and the North is still obligated to pay back the help.


Last week, North Korea shelp it would lastingly block its border with South Korea and erect front-line defense arranges. South Korean officials shelp North Korea had been includeing anti-tank barriers and laying mines alengthened the border since earlier this year.

In recent years North Korea has carry outed a run of stimulating missile tests, and South Korea and the United States have broadened military drills and cooperation.

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