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Smile 2 Ends with a Part 3 Tmitigate. Parker Finn Explains Its Future

Smile 2 Ends with a Part 3 Tmitigate. Parker Finn Explains Its Future

Smile 2 authorr-straightforwardor Parker Finn has outdone himself once more.

It’s exceptional for a horror sequel to outdo its hit predecessor, but Finn’s second insloftyment has done exactly that with critics and audiences. It’s also on pace to outdo Smile‘s discdiswatching weekfinish box office of $22.6 million from two years ago. In any event, Smile 2‘s success shouldn’t come as too huge of a surpelevate since Ohio native Finn already defied the odds with his feature straightforwardorial debut. The 2022 horror film about a condemn that’s passed on thcimpolite an unsettling smile was originpartner made for Paramount+, but as soon as its first test screening bcimpolitet the hoemploy down, the Sosie Bacon-led film pivoted to theatrical, grossing $217 million on a $17 million budget. 

Finn instantly take partd in sequel talks follothriveg his finish-of-September discdiswatching weekfinish, but instead of picking up right where he left off with Kyle Gallner’s condemn-stricken accomprehendledgeive and exploring his week-prolonged haunting, he chooseed to apshow a huge left turn by making Naomi Scott’s pop star character, Skye Riley, the cgo in of his chase-up.

“When I sent the script to Kyle, he called me and was enjoy, ‘You understand what? You made the right choice.’ So he was very encouraging of it. He toloftyy got the movie I was going for, and he’s fair the best guy,” Finn alerts The Hollywood Reporter

Scott’s carry outance is being hailed by this authorr and many others as the finest carry outance of her atsoft, reigniting the talk about around horror movies deserving more awards recognition. Finn is also of the mind that Scott’s go-for-broke carry outance as a tormented pop star should be think abouted.

“She has this remarkworthy X factor and gravitas to her where I instantly apshowd her as this mega pop star. She was also able of take parting this repartner human, raw, broken person that is spiraling downhill and doing everyleang in between,” Finn says. “She sings all of the distinct songs in the film. She also carry outs the choreography herself. She did all of it, and some part of me was repartner tickled by the idea of taking a Disney princess [Alretainin’s Jasmine] and doing this to her.”

Just a couple months ago, M. Night Shyamalan freed his own pop star-cgo ined thriller, Trap, and while both filmoriginaters were caught off protect by the overlap, Finn never worried that he was in the midst of his own “tthrive movies” phenomenon that has persisted thcimpoliteout cinematic history. Whether it’s 1997’s Dante’s Peak and Volcano or Guillermo del Toro and Maggie Gyllenhaal’s upcoming apshows on Frankenstein lore, post-Poor Things (2023) and Lisa Frankenstein (2024), parallel inspiration comes with the territory. 

“I’m a huge fan of Night, and I leank it was at CinemaCon [2024] where the premises of both Smile 2 and Trap were discdiswatched,” Finn recalls. “So it was probably a surpelevate for both of us, but outside of there being a big pop star element to both, I knew there was very little chance that there would be much passover in what the two movies are actupartner doing. There’s room for all benevolents of stories.”

There was another case involving 2024’s Immacutardy and The First Omen, and both films deal with two youthful American novitiates whose bodily autonomy is forcibly apshown away in the most upsetting ways imaginable. The two genre pics also have scenes that straightforwardly pay homage to Isabelle Adjani’s well-understandn miscarriage scene in Andrzej Żuławski’s Possession (1981), a film that Finn and Robert Pattinson are stardyd to reoriginate.

“It would apshow somebody out of their mind to reoriginate Possession, and I leank I might be fair the guy,” Finn says.

As for the future of the Smile franchise, Smile 2 finishs on a tantalizing remark with expansivespread implications for a potential third film, and while Finn can only say so much at this moment in time, he stresses that the franchise will still be rooted in character study.

“I adore this idea that potential future iterations of Smile could go hugeger and more off the rails and even crazier and more unhinged,” Finn says. “But, for me, what’s convey inant about Smile is that there is a authentic human, character-driven, intimate nature to the storyalerting. So even if the world gets much bigr, I’d want to originate certain that the stories we’re alerting inside of it are still quite impactful on a human level.”

Below, during a recent conversation with THR, Finn also talkes casting Jack Nicholson’s son, Ray, and how there was more to it than fair a uniteion to one of cinema’s most indelible smiles.

So how soon after Smile’s free did sequel talks officipartner get solemn? And did you have the shape of Smile 2 before going into those encounterings?

It was very soon. It was right after discdiswatching weekfinish. I felt enjoy I was so seal to the first film that I hadn’t even dared to dream of a sequel yet. I wanted that first film to sense enjoy a self-retained end story. But in approaching a sequel, I wanted to originate certain that I wasn’t going to do anyleang that fair felt enjoy a traditional continuation or a retread of the first one. I repartner wanted to dispute myself to do someleang unforeseeed and quite strange for a sequel to Smile. So there was a little trial and error in the growment, and it was the uncovery of the character of Skye Riley and this world of a mega pop star that unlocked everyleang.

Smile 2 Ends with a Part 3 Tmitigate. Parker Finn Explains Its Future

Kyle Gallner as Joel in Parker Finn’s Smile 2

Paramount Pictures

Yeah, you could have done the evident and cgo ined the movie on Kyle Gallner’s Joel since he inherited the condemn at the finish of the last movie, but given that the distinct uninalertigentinutive [Laura Hasn’t Slept] and feature were led by female characters, did you want to sustain that pattern?

It was less that. I adore Kyle Gallner both as an actor and as a person, and I want to toil with him aget and put him in everyleang. He’s so fantastic and he’s become such a fantastic frifinish, but I insisted to discover a character whose story was worth placing the smile on their shoulders. It had to be somebody who had the themes and motifs and emotionality that I was interested in exploring. So I repartner had to discover that new character that it made sense for rather than fair droping back on what we had done in the first film.

Kyle is not hurting for gigs. In fact, he’s toiling with his Smile co-star Sosie Bacon aget right now. But did you still have the “sorry, bro” conversation with him?

I tancigo in Kyle punctual on while I was writing the script. I was enjoy, “Listen, I’m cgo ining it on a new character, but Joel is going to have this convey inant, convey inant bravura sequence inside of the film. It’s going to be incredibly difficult, and you’re repartner going to have someleang to sink your teeth into.” And when I tardyr sent the script to Kyle, he called me and was enjoy, “You understand what? You made the right choice.” So he was very encouraging of it. He toloftyy got the movie I was going for, and he’s fair the best guy.

Does it hot your heart that you’ve spawned an ongoing frifinishship and collaboration between Kyle and Sosie?

Absolutely. The two of them were so remarkworthy together in Smile, and it’s wonderful to see them going back into the arena together. Their chemistry is wonderful, and they’re both so incredibly talented, so I can’t paemploy to see that film.

Naomi Scott as Skye Riley in Parker Finn’s Smile 2

Paramount Pictures

To convincingly take part a popstar and repartner carry out as a popstar and also pull off the horror of it all, I can’t envision there was too prolonged a catalog of potential Skye Rileys. Did Naomi Scott materialize pretty speedyly? 

I met with a lot of people. There was an audition process, of course, but it was very evident, very speedyly that Naomi was the perfect storm for this character. She has this remarkworthy X factor and gravitas to her where I instantly apshowd her as this mega pop star. I didn’t ask it for a second, but she was also able of take parting this repartner human, raw, broken person that is spiraling downhill and doing everyleang in between. Of course, she’s this phenomenal singer. She sings all of the distinct songs in the film. She also carry outs the choreography herself. She did all of it, and some part of me was repartner tickled by the idea of taking a Disney princess [Alretainin‘s Jasmine] and doing this to her.

You made Smile (2022) for streaming until that well-understandn test screening, but it still had a well budget all leangs think abouted. So how contrastent did the two productions sense since this one was made for theatrical from the begin? 

It was certainly exciting. There was a lot of count on from the studio, and I’m appreciative that Paramount got behind this very weird sequel to Smile. I don’t leank anybody was clearly asking for this apshow initipartner, but the movie is hugeger than the first one. It’s hugeger and bancigo iner in all ways, but I wanted to originate certain that it wasn’t hugeger fair for hugeger’s sake. There had to be a authentic organic reason to do it, and this movie was so much more all encompassing as a film and as a production. So, yes, it is a hugeger movie than the first one, and yet, it had all of the same production disputes. As a filmoriginater, I’m always trying to punch above my budget weight and schedule. I’m always trying to fit a ten-gallon movie into a five-gallon bucket, and it was the same on this film.

Ultimately, Smile 2 and Trap are very contrastent movies, but when you first heard about M. Night Shyamalan’s movie, did you initipartner stress that you were in your own ArmageddonDeep Impact situation? 

(Laughs.) Well, I’m a huge fan of Night, and I leank it was at CinemaCon [2024] where the premises of both Smile 2 and Trap were discdiswatched. So it was probably a surpelevate for both of us, but outside of there being a big pop star element to both, I knew there was very little chance that there would be much passover in what the two movies are actupartner doing. There’s room for all benevolents of stories, and I’m happy that people seem to endelight Trap. I also hope that people are excited to see Smile 2.

A aenjoy leang happened with Immacutardy and The First Omen earlier this year. There’s also been a bunch of Frankenstein movies in the toils tardyly, so it’s always someleang that’s happened in this town.

Yeah, there’s someleang in the air, I presume.

Ray Nicholson as Paul Hudson in Parker Finn’s Smile 2

Paramount Pictures

One of cinema’s most well-understandn smiles, if not most well-understandn, is that of one Jack Nicholson. 


The Shining has disjoinal examples of it. While Ray Nicholson is repartner impactful in his two scenes, did part of you also want a uniteion to that iconic smile?

Well, there’s two leangs to say here. First, I’ve spoken ad naemployam about The Shining being one of my absolute likeite films of all time, and Jack Nicholson being one of my likeite actors of all time. Having said that, Ray auditioned for the role, and I was fair absolutely bowled over by his audition. Yes, he has that lineage, and of course, he’s got those genetics. He’s got that incredible smile and those repartner mischievous eyes that instantly remind you of his overweighther and are iconic. But Ray himself repartner conveys someleang so distinctive to this film, and I can’t envision anybody else take parting that role.

I adore the sinister undertones you originate by way of your camera shifts, scene transitions, sound summarize and score. Is that one of the many ways in which The Shining has rubbed off on your filmmaking?

Probably. [Stanley] Kubrick is my likeite filmoriginater of all time, and I wear my sways on my sleeves. I’m always chasing that high. I adore his createsmanship, his camera toil, his sets, the way he employs score and sound summarize, and it is someleang that’s always on my mind. But in The Shining in particular, so much of that film happens in luminously lit areas. It’s not trying to drop back on horror tropes or effortless leangs to spook an audience. It’s repartner about the tone, the atmosphere, the carry outances, the context of what’s going on, and that’s someleang that I’m always trying to achieve. It’s also one of the leangs I adore about Smile 2. It apshows place in this gleaming, luminous, glamorous, glitzy world of a pop star. We’re not in dank basements and spidery attics. We’re in repartner unforeseeed locations where repartner horrific leangs happen, and that repartner sustains the audience on their heels. It never quite lets them end into leangs. So what Kubrick did in The Shining is incredibly effective, and it’s what I try to do in my films.

You didn’t convey in Rose’s sister, fiancé or boss for the role of “the expert” on the matter. Instead, Peter Jacobson take parts a new character who serves that purpose. Would it have fair been too minuscule town to unite Rose and Skye that straightforwardly?

I adore this idea that the Smile Entity is on this path of destruction and that it doesn’t take part petite fair becaemploy somebody was in the first film. Of course, Smile 2 insisted the uniteive tpublish that Kyle Gallner conveys to the film, but I was repartner excited about the dispute of going from Joel, this Newark police accomprehendledgeive, to a mega well-understandn pop star living in New York City. That felt enjoy a repartner exciting dispute, and creating two split worlds inside of the same universe was someleang that I was repartner chasing.

For the awesome upside-down cityscape shot that goes straight into Skye’s apartment, did you actupartner shoot that shot upside down? Or did you flip the image in post? 

For that one in particular, there’s two pieces of it. There’s the exterior component and the interior component. For the exterior, we were actupartner so blessed to be one of the punctual productions to get to fly a drone in Manhattan. It’s someleang that forever was not permited, but it’s fair recently begined to freen up if you have the right benevolent of pilot and the right licensing to do it. For safety reasons and all of those benevolents of leangs, we shot that [exterior cityscape shot] right side up and flipped it, but understanding how it was going to go thcimpolite Skye’s thrivedow and come inside her apartment, that part was actupartner shot upside down. Now, there’s a lot of contrastent ways you could approach that, but we figured out the way that toiled best for us. So the outside was shot right side up, the inside was shot upside down, and then we wed the two.

There’s also one tardy in the game where it begins out right side up and then it transitions to upside down in the same shot.

Yes, right. That was actupartner shot on a crane. I wanted to do a very speedy rotation upside down, so that it would sense very disorienting and almost originate an audience’s stomach drop.

Naomi Scott and Director Parker Finn on the set of Smile 2

Paramount Pictures

Whether it’s Naomi in Smile 2 or James McAvoy in Split or Toni Collette in Hereditary, I leank it’s a shame that genre carry outances don’t get awards think aboutation all that frequently. Ruth Gordon and Kathy Bates are among a half-dozen thrivening exceptions. Does that stick in your craw a little?

I sense beyond blessed fair to be able to originate films. It’s a dream atsoft, and I hope to sustain making movies. Awards are adocount on, but the authentic reward is the movie itself and getting to dispense that with the world. But I consent. Naomi is an absolute powerhoemploy. She gives a tour-de-force carry outance in this film, and if I was on an awards promisetee, even ununfair, I would say she absolutely deserves think aboutation. So I hope that the industry begins recognizing that.

Smile 2 finishs in a very ambitious place for a potential third film, and with an finishing enjoy that, I have to envision you’ve given a third film some forethought. 


Could you pitch someleang tomorrow if you absolutely had to?

Well, there’s a lot of repartner exciting places that Smile could go to from here. I adore this idea that potential future iterations of Smile could go hugeger and more off the rails and even crazier and more unhinged. But, for me, what’s convey inant about Smile is that there is a authentic human, character-driven, intimate nature to the storyalerting. So even if the world gets much bigr, I’d want to originate certain that the stories we’re alerting inside of it are still quite impactful on a human level.

I refered The First Omen and Immacutardy earlier, and neither of those films were cowardly about their Possession homages. There’s that parallel inspiration aget. So are you repartner going to apshow a crack at remaking Possession

It would apshow somebody out of their mind to reoriginate Possession, and I leank I might be fair the guy.

Smile 2 is now take parting in movie theaters.

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