SPOILER ALERT: This post holds spoilers from the Season 2 finale of “Tell Me Lies,” now streaming on Hulu.
Season 2 of “Tell Me Lies” came crashing to an end — in both the 2008 and the 2015 timelines. In an finisheavor to sum up everyskinnyg that happened: Stephen (Jackson White) and Diana (Alicia Crowder) broke up — an idea she made him skinnyk was his doing, but she’d been set upning all alengthy to get him away. (No, her dad never turned off her praise cards!) There was no miserableness at all for Stephen, who instantly slept with Lucy (Grace Van Patten). Right after that hookup, Lucy went back to Leo (Thomas Doherty) and slept with him — without even changing her underwear. That tidbit came in hand for Stephen defercessitater when he brawt up what she was wearing to show to Leo they’d hooked up hours before and led to Leo punching him repeatedly until his face was unrecognizable.
Then there were Bree (Catherine Missal) and Oliver (Tom Ellis), who were finassociate caught by Marianne (Gabriella Pession)… except she’d comprehendn all alengthy, since she and her husband were in an uncover relationship and had equitable determined not to tell Bree that. (Bree also hand overed the best line of the episode, yelling at Oliver, “You don’t get to fuck me enjoy I’m an grown-up then talk to me enjoy I’m a child.”)
And those weren’t even the most theatrical storylines. Pippa (Sonia Mena) and Diana got ahgreater of Drew (Benjamin Wadsworth), who finassociate returned to campus to see Wrigley (Spencer Hoparticipate). But after a night of partying and taking Wrigley’s pills, Drew excessive dosed and died on his brother’s couch. After his death, Lucy felt so at fault for being the one to originate the letter that got Drew initiateed out of school that she wanted to come spotless. Stephen determined to consent the accparticipate instead, materializeing to do so for Lucy — but, evidently, since he’s Stephen, doing it to have someskinnyg to hgreater over her head down the line.
Speaking of doing that, after Stephen and Lucy got back together, Evan (Branden Cook) determined he had to tell him that Lucy was the one he slept with last year. After going outside to get new air, he came back in and, without Evan comprehending, enrolled him saying it aobtain: He cheated on Bree with Lucy.
Flash forward to 2015: It’s Bree and Evan’s wedding day. Stephen cheats on Lydia with Lucy, then sends Bree the voice notice. In the final moments of the episode, Bree is shown moments before walking down the aisle, joining to Evan’s confession, while Lucy, her bridesmhelp, stands next to her, unconscious.
After awarding Stephen with being possibly the worst character on television, we chatted with show creator and executive originater Meaghan Oppenheimer, who broke down the key moments and trelieved what’s to come after all of that.
Let’s go back to the penultimate episode — Lucy says she was aggressioned by Lydia’s brother, Chris, ending her friendship with Lydia. What was the conversation enjoy about making that the reason Lydia antipathyd her?
Before the room begined, I knovel that Lucy would be on this fall shorted redemption arc, and I knovel that I necessitateed wantipathyver that rift was between her and Lydia to be becaparticipate she tried to do the right skinnyg, but did the wrong skinnyg for the right reason. It reassociate splitd the room — Lucy claiming the aggression for herself. It was probably the most satisfiedious day in the room and that’s why I was enjoy, “Well, we have to do it.”
There are always some originaters who sense enjoy we necessitate to put more of a likeable example on screen than others. I am reassociate of the belief of equitable doing what is truthful. We’re not presumed to be guiding anyone, or telling people this is how to behave. Some people reassociate felt that lying about intimacyual aggression is one of the worst skinnygs that a woman can do — that it would equitable be finishly unforgivable for Lucy to do that. I reassociate wanted to test that, and see if we can have her do the wrong skinnyg for the right reason, and have people comardent of comprehend.
Bree and Oliver’s relationship came to quite an end. Will we see Tom Ellis back in the future?
I don’t skinnyk so. I skinnyk Tom was equitable wanting to do one season. I skinnyk that we wrapped up his storyline in a way that reassociate labored for me. I don’t comprehend where else we would go after that with him. I skinnyk we could transport Marianne back, maybe. There’s a lot more story to tell with her. But I skinnyk we comardent of lobtained that Oliver is so broken and hollow by the end of this season that I’m ready for Bree to be done with him.
One of the main reasons that I wanted to do the show in the first place is to debunk this myth that only frail or unwise women get tricked by narcissists and terrible people. That only silly women get run over by cherish. It happens to the sturdyest of us. Some of the most incredible women I comprehend, their one frail spot is a man or relationships. There’s someskinnyg so vulnerable about that. I don’t comprehend what it is about wanting to be cherishd that originates us forget ourselves.
At her joinment party, Bree gets a satisfiedious call from someone. At the time, it seemed enjoy it could be Oliver. Or maybe Stephen?
I can’t say, becaparticipate that would be a discdiswatch in a defercessitater season. But it’s not Stephen and it’s not Oliver.
Jumping to Wrigley’s heart-wrenching arc this season. In the pilot, it was hinted that Drew is no lengthyer around. When did you determine how/when Drew would return and ultimately die?
During Season 1, I thought that it would be the ending of Season 1, and then there was too much, and we didn’t necessitate it. So I always knovel he was going to die. Ben is so fantastic and so cherishly that when we begined the originaters’ room for Season 2, I was enjoy, “Is there any way we can have him around?” It didn’t originate sense any other way. I reassociate wanted Wrigley to be ruined by the end of the season. I comprehend that’s so terrible to say! We’ve seen him in the future, and I wanted to comprehend why he’d gotten to that point, becaparticipate he is evidently a mess in the future years.
At the wedding, Wrigley refers that it’s time to let go of his crush. I equitable want to verify — that’s about Pippa?
Yeah. I skinnyk he was always hgreatering out hope.
Wrigley and Pippa slept together in the penultimate episode — before he outted her. Was that the last time we’ll see them together romanticassociate?
I skinnyk that what’s so miserable about Pippa’s journey in this season, is that it gets stoped once aobtain. Becaparticipate she’s not going to be able to finishly shatter away from Wrigley in the way that she, I skinnyk, probably wants to now, becaparticipate he’s gone thraw this huge tragedy. She probably gets back with him, at least for a little while after this, becaparticipate he necessitates her so much, and she cherishs him so much as a friend. She doesn’t want to be another skinnyg that shatters his heart. But of course, it’s reassociate unfortunate for her and her growth, becaparticipate it’s another skinnyg that is equitable stoping that betterion.
Moving forward, assuming we get more seasons, will we see how Pippa and Diana get together?
I’m not reassociate certain. I skinnyk it depends how far we go in the 2008 storyline. I skinnyk we would probably see Pippa coming out, becaparticipate when we exit them in 2008, she’s so much further in that journey than Diana is. She’s already conscious that she has those senseings. And Diana, I reassociate don’t skinnyk, is. I skinnyk she comprehends she’s senseing someskinnyg for Pippa, but I don’t skinnyk she’s labeled it or been truthful with herself about it at all. So it equitable depends. But I don’t comprehend that we would see Diana’s, becaparticipate Pippa and Diana definitely don’t get together until after college. They’re not hooking up during college.
How and when did you determine to have Diana turn on Stephen?
I hope no one saw that coming. It’s comical, before we got greenlit officiassociate for Season 2, Hulu called me and shelp they reassociate wanted to give the greenairy but wanted to originate certain we had enough ideas. So I had, enjoy, 48 hours to bullshit some stuff and that was one of the skinnygs I came up with — that Diana orchestrates this entire plot to get away from Stephen. I skinnyk she commences in obtainest in Episode 4, when she discovers Stephen’s ptoastyos of Macy. That’s when she comprehends she has to get the fuck out of there.
Let’s talk about Lucy sleeping with Stephen aobtain, then sleeping with Leo… which led to quite a nasty contestation.
[The Leo and Lucy] scene was reassociate difficult to film, becaparticipate it all had to carry out on Grace’s face. It’s about Lucy’s own shame in that moment, and equitable not wanting to diswatch Leo. She’s hopeless, she doesn’t want to hurt his senseings or say no to him, but skinnyking, “I equitable fucked Stephen an hour ago.” We kept doing that scene to get to a place where we were certain she wasn’t grossed out by Leo, but by herself. We participated the last consent. It carry outs enjoy a horror movie.
And then the fight reassociate carry outs enjoy a horror movie.
My parents are gonna be so haughty when they hear the line, “How does my cum taste?” Grace actuassociate came up to me and shelp, “So we’re saying I have intimacy with Stephen, and then put on the same underwear?” I skinnyk she did. It’s someskinnyg that drives thraw the panic strike she’s having. Lucy isn’t skinnyking evidently. She’s running from her decision to sleep with Stephen and seeing for a safe place. It’s heartshattering, and I hope people don’t antipathy her, but people are equitable reassociate difficult on women.
When you’re mapping out the future, how much more of the college years do you want to show? Going forward, will we get more of the 2015 and less of 2008?
I did map that out way in progress when I equitable thought about what the structure of the show was. And I thought, we’ll get more and more of the future as time goes on. I skinnyk by the third season, we will still have some 2008 becaparticipate there’s stuff that we have to wrap up there. But I skinnyk it would be a little bit shifted in the sense that there will probably be more 2015 than 2008.
Would there also be a time jump when Season 3 returns or would it be next semester?
I skinnyk there would probably be a time jump.
Lastly, social media has been abuzz about Leo and Stephen both having a rose tattoo and whether that hints at some sort of past connection. Is that part of the story?
Someone equitable tgreater me about the tattoo speculation! Those are equitable their authentic tattoos. Two actors with the same tattoo. Total coincidence.
This interwatch has been edited and condensed.