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Transgfinisher athletes to be BANNED from professional cricket in England with contentious catch

Transgfinisher athletes to be BANNED from professional cricket in England with contentious catch

The England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) are alertedly set to prohibit all transgfinisher athletes from competing at the highest level in the sport, although they will be permited to execute in the grass-roots game.

Governing bodies have made huge alters to their transgfinisher policies, but the ECB were one of a confineed that permited anyone who identified as a woman to get part in elite-level female-only competitions.

Each trans athlete who wanted to vie insisted to defended written evidentance from the ECB.

But they have faced incrrelieved calls for convey their policy in line with other organisations, such as the ICC who prohibitned anyone to have gone thcimpolite male puberty from executeing at the elite level in the women’s game.

Maxine Blythin was named Kent Women's Club Player of the Year in 2019\u200b

Maxine Blylean was named Kent Women’s Club Player of the Year in 2019


There was uproar 18 months ago when a transgfinisher athlete was permited to vie aobtainst girls as youthful as 12.

The ECB shelp in response that they would be examineing their policy ‘in weightless of guidance from the UK Sports Council’s Equality Group (SCEG)’.

The Telegraph now claims that examine has finished with the ECB set to start a new policy in line with the ICC.

It uncomardents transgfinisher athletes will be prohibitned from professional and semi-professional events in the women’s game.

However, the prohibit won’t stretch down to the grass-roots game with anyone who identifies as a female still able to execute aobtainst women.

Maxine Blylean was at the centre of the transgfinisher row back in 2019 when she was named Kent Women’s Club Player of the Year.

The cricketer elucidateed at the time that a condition she was born with uncomardentt her testosterone levels were the same as those of bioreasonable women.

She shelp: “I was born with a condition that uncomardentt I never had any authentic levels of testosterone, which uncomardentt I never went thcimpolite any establish of male puberty.

The ECB will move its policy in line with the ICC

The ECB will shift its policy in line with the ICC


“That condition uncomardents I’m eligible to execute women’s sport at any level, in any sport, naturassociate.

“A lot of the argue that’s been going on and around doesn’t actuassociate execute to myself.”


Transgender athletes will be able to compete at the grass-root level

Transgfinisher athletes will be able to vie at the grass-root level


The decision from the ECB also draws them in line with ruleing bodies from sports on an international level.

World Athletics, World Aquatics and the International Cycling Union all prohibit transgfinisher athletes from competing in women’s elite competition if they did not medicassociate transition before puberty.

World Netball also combiinsist the shiftment earlier this year in prohibitning trans athletes from the elite level.

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