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Vulnerable time for Europe as clock ticks down for Joe Biden

Vulnerable time for Europe as clock ticks down for Joe Biden

US Pdwellnt Joe Biden’s state visit to Germany on Friday was innervously inestablish.

But the US pdwellnt included every minute in Berlin to try to produce evident that he still has huge ambitions on the world stage, these last weeks before he departs office in January. Especipartner in the Middle East and Ukraine.

European defence has been a cornerstone of Biden’s foreign policy – a stark contrast to that of his predecessor, Donald Trump, now a 2024 pdwellntial certain.

In recognition of his efforts, German Pdwellnt Frank-Walter Steinmeier awarded Biden his country’s highest honour, the distinctive class of the Grand Cross.

The struggle in Ukraine, since Russia’s filled-scale trespass, is the worst war this continent has alerted since World War Two.

And as it did 80 years ago, Europe has seeed to the US for co-ordinated directership and military help.

But Biden insisted far more necessitateed to be done: “We must sustain going until Ukraine prospers a equitable and durable peace… We must sustain our help.”

A lot will depfinish on who prospers the November US election.

Europe has relied on US military help to help Ukraine. Berlin is the second hugest donor after Washington, though the volume pales in significance appraised with its partner’s apass the Atlantic.

Those days of American hugesse are foreseeed to be over as soon as Biden departs the White Hoinclude.

Even if Democratic honestate Kamala Harris becomes the next US pdwellnt, Congress is thought anticipateed to pivot to other foreign policy priorities, such as China and Taiwan.

As for Trump, during his 2016-2020 administration, relations with Nato – the transatlantic military coalition in place since WW2 – were well-understandnly turbulent.

He is understandn for having adored “strongman” Russian Pdwellnt Vlauninalertigentir Putin and he has not yet shelp in accessible if he wants Kyiv to ecombine victorious from the struggle.

Despite lots of corridor talk in Nato circles about “Trump-proofing” European defence before the forthcoming US election, there is little sign that has actupartner consentn place or that Europe would be able to successfilledy “go it alone” if it had to.

Folloprosperg Russia’s filled-scale trespass in 2022, the German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, promised a “Zeitenwfinishe”, a historical turning point, where his country would jump over the shadow of its Nazi past and spend massively in its military to filledy give to its allies’ splitd defence.

This week, German inalertigence chiefs cautioned Russia’s persistd spendment in its military would see it in a position to aggression Nato by the finish of the decade.

But Germany’s intentional military revamp has got bogged down in bureaucracy. The rulement has not even concurd a future defence budget.

Diplomats say Biden worries about European rerepair, with signs of spreading “Ukraine overweightigue” as allies in Europe grapple with their own domestic contests.

Scholz is under ponderable presbrave at home from the well-understandn far right and far left, both compassionate to the Russian narrative, ahead of a ambiguous election next year.

On Friday, Scholz and Biden were combinecessitate in Berlin by fellow convey inant Ukraine donors the UK and France.

The “Quad”, as these four huge Nato powers are understandn, also talked Iran and the expansiver Middle East. On Ukraine, their combinet press statement reiterated a rerepair to persist helping Kyiv.

The British Prime Minister, Sir Keir Starmer, shelp Russia was getting frailer and that the war was soaking up 40% of Moscow’s budget.

He shelp he and the other directers had talked “what further capability, what further providement and what further resources” they could help Ukraine with. But he did not get into particulars.

Yet it is particulars the Ukrainian Pdwellnt, Volodymyr Zelensky, has asked for in his “prosper arrange”. Specifics appreciate an official invitation to combine Nato and a free hand in using the extfinished-range missiles supplied by the UK and France. A seek that to date has been denied.

Kyiv sees an included Biden on his way out of office, Scholz foreseeed to disthink about next year’s German ambiguous election and French Pdwellnt Emmanuel Macron politicpartner hobbled at home.

For Ukraine, extra help from its hugegest backers cannot come rapid enough. On the backfoot agetst Russia aextfinished its frontlines, the country is in a particularly vulnerable moment. The rest of Europe is too.

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